b'There was a lot of interest from the businessWithout exception, in my 13 years of runningthat use ports, that import and export, and community as we built new infrastructure.the Port, we got consistent support from thecreates an environment that encourages The Chamber is an important advocate forChamber. They took the time to understandthem and helps them be successful. Busi-the issues businesses face, and SC Ports hadour issuesthats fundamental to being annesses dont just look at one locationthey a lot of things to get done. We had to recoveradvocate for anyone or any industryandlook at multiple locations and make decisions our core business, which was containermake sure we could succeed in the thingsbased on their perception of the environment, volume. We were inviting home port cruise in- we believed were important to growing ourso weve always relied on the Chambers dustry business, which had its supporters andbusiness.knowledge and enthusiasm to encourage detractors. We needed to encourage the var- people to put down roots here.ious private sector companies that supportedSC Ports grows by attracting ship services. us, including truckers and warehousemen.The Chamber wins companies to the region PERFECT STORMWhile Charleston has prospered from above-average growth of theA region thrives when its people Sun Belt, the region has high-class challenges like housing cost, roadhave the workforce skills that infrastructure and difficulty recruiting people to high-demand sectors due to increased cost of living. match the needs of its employers.Newsome points to new issues that have emerged from SC PortsThe Chambers talent team growth and success that require Chamber advocacy, among them quality healthcare and the need for a good education, including a goodserves as a regional convenor, technical education. We have a tremendous workforce challenge todaycreating business and in our country. Baby boomers are retiring. Too few young people are entering the workforce. We must do our best to continue to educate andeducation partnerships through make people ready for work, while encouraging those who are leavingcollaborative and equitable the workforce to continue to contribute in productive ways.initiatives. Employer-led needs There are some areas where its becoming increasingly hard toassessments guide our efforts to attract workforce, he reflects. The port business requires a lot of industrial electricians, industrial mechanics, people who maintain thecultivate relationships, educate sophisticated equipment that a port utilizes. Its hard to find theseon best practices and develop our people and to fill these jobs.current and future employees. South Carolina has done a good job of making technical educationOur country is currently facing attractive, but that has to continue and highlighting the need is certainly an important element of Chamber advocacy. a talent crisis and employers need to know how they are going to both recruit and retain their workforce. The Chamber serves as a thought leader in bringing members the latest trends, resources and data to inform talent decisions.13 ORIGIN STORY'