b'The Chamber is very involved in helping rejuvenateListen, I have been through so much and know so the community and region. We helped rebuild and expandmuch about getting to a place of trust. I suffered shame North Charleston. We help small businesses get started and supportand embarrassment as a child speaking the Gullah language.them through struggling times. The Chamber is involved with lawmakers to expand and change ideas. It has worked hard to help CharlestonI have known rejection inside the Charleston business community. grow in ways the locals wouldnt be severely impacted and to includeI believe the enslaved mentality of a caste system can still be found residents in the process. Charleston is such a traditional communityin our workplaces. And I believe that until this is eliminated there willthe Chamber has brought in new people, with new ideas, who movecontinue to be miseducation and misinformation.faster than we do. People tease us about being 100 years behind the times. There has been a lot of cooperation among business leadersWho I am today took all of that.and lawmakers to grow the community while keeping its heritage.35 LIGHTKEEPER'