b'Youve led for 12 years. What do you most celebrate onWhat are your hopes for 2073?the Chambers behalf?Weve proven were a very entrepreneurial community. My The 250 thanniversary is an iconic accomplishment. Only threeaspiration for the next 50 years would be to demonstrate businesses in the U.S. are as old as our Chamber. We takethat we are an equitable and inclusive community, that all great pride in it. Literally thousands of leaders and hundreds836,000 of our citizensand in 50 years that will grow to of thousands of members have made this organization what2 million citizensare valued, cared for, contributing and it is. Were passionate about the betterment of our regionengaged to achieve their full potential. My greatest hope and the quality of life for our citizens. as we hit 2073 is that we would have figured out how to do that better than anyone.How does the Chamber remain relevant across decades?Parting thoughts?We ask ourselves an important question every day when we come to work: what job have our members hired us to do?I would like to thank all the hundreds of leaders and thousands That requires us to listen very carefully to understand theirof businesses who have contributed over the 250 years. Its specific needs. Then we ask, how do we assemble our staff,a distinctive honor for us to sit at two and a half centuries. volunteers, boards and committees to undertake that work?We stand on the shoulders of great leaders, companies, Were also looking for the common thread in that tapestry.elected officials and a community that kept getting up when A membership of 1,600 businesses is looking for a lot ofit got knocked down. To look at the number of healthy different things, but there are a great many commonalitiessectors in our regionI want to thank everybody who was weve been able to focus ona great business environmentand is part of producing that. how we provide housing for people in this regionthe quality and caliber of our schools, universities and collegesLeading an exemplary board of directors and executivewhat it means to build a talent pipeline for healthcarecommitteeworking shoulder to shoulder with amazing today and then for other sectors in the futureWevevolunteersan unparalleled staff that is the best I have remained relevant because weve had a passion to hearexperienced in my careerall these things coming together what our members want, and then weve assembled theat a 250 thanniversary position us for great things in the team to deliver in a way thats meaningful to them. years ahead.ITS EXCITING TO ME THAT WE HAVE THE COURAGE AS A REGION AND CHAMBER TO SAY, WHILE WE LOVE WHAT WE HAVE TODAY, THERE ARE MANY WAYS WE NEED TO IMPROVE, AND WERE WILLING TO ROLL UP OUR SLEEVES AND GO TO WORK TO MAKE THAT A REALITY. BRYAN DERREBERRY,CHAMBER PRESIDENT AND CEO5 FOREWORD'