b'WHAT THE CURRENTS ARE TO THE SEA, PROGRESS ISTO COMMERCE THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION WE MUST ASK OURSELVES IS, ARE WE BEING GOOD ANCESTORS? JONAS SALK,AMERICAN VIROLOGIST, 19141995,WHO DEVELOPED ONE OF THE FIRST SUCCESSFUL POLIO VACCINESA region is first and foremost identified by, defended, builtTwo and a half centuries of staying power suggest were up, secured and enlarged by its great governors of thoughtdoing something right.and action. Chamber President and CEO, Bryan Derreberry, offers insight into our trusted stewardship, representingThe Chamber connects the leaders of our community to the both a seal on the past and promise of deft handling inneeds of our community. We have done this in very meaning-the future, of an outsized number of regional assets. In hisful and passionate ways. Our North Star today is providing words, our chamber places the region first. We want toequitable access to everyoneall 836,000 citizensto live, make sure this is a vibrant and dynamic place to live, work,learn and earn. That target defines who we are.learn, earn and get engaged in the community. Were the catalyst for so much of that.You believe people are the heart and at the heart of whatwedo.Why is the Chamber so critical to the advancement of ourregion? Ive never been involved with another organization in my lifetime that brings people together as ably as the Chamber We coalesce leaders from all walks of lifepublic, private,does. Its remarkable to think about what goes on in our civic, nonprofit and not-for-profitand bring them togetherboard meetings and the work thats achieved due to member to focus on the betterment of our region. Were a uniquebusinesses saying, together we can better Greater Charleston organization from that perspective. Were not a single issuein ways we could never do alone. Were represented by small interest group. Our interests are the interests of the leadersbusinesses with 20 employees, Joint Base Charleston and the people in our region. with 26,000 people involved in our national defense, great hospitals, great advanced manufacturing industriesthat How, uniquely, has the Chamber brought leaders mix is what makes us unique. And everyone, whether they together to overcome challenges? have 20 employees or 26,000, is there to roll up their sleeves and work together to better the community. With great honesty and candor and by assuming respon-sibility. Every community faces significant challenges thatWhy is it so important that we honor our past? stop it in its tracks. Our Chamber has been able to be that catalytic force that steps in and brings the right partiesTo me, the past provides us with the foundational corner-together and says, ok, we got knocked down. Now its timestones of our region. Many communities have a short history to stand up, brush ourselves off and set a new target foror a less illustrious history. Were fortunate to have a long where we can go together. Weve done that with a greatview and with that long view weve become wise enough to level of success. look at things like taking the port to 52 feet or facilitating Lowcountry Rapid Transit. 4 CHAMBER RETROSPECTIVE250 YEARS'